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An exploration of the seven liturgical seasons and how their colors are depicted through vestments and works of art.

Dover Unplugged

A chance for people to learn something new, volunteer for a service event, or just simply enjoy a night out with family and friends.

2024 Fall Adult Education

What is “Christianity” as a religion? How has it grown, flourished, and evolved, and is now approaching possibly terminal decline in our secular culture?


Choir is open to all who have a desire to blend their voices in praise of God. Prior singing experience is not necessary. Try us out!

Parish Picnic
(& Sign-Up)

Sunday, Sep 22, 2024, 10:00 AM
(Following Our 10:00 a.m. Service) Dear Friends, Please join us on Sunday, September 22 for the Welcome Back Parish Picnic immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Service. Both are to be held at the home of John & Hazel Blyzi...

Christianity: Then and Now -Introduction

Monday, Sep 23, 2024, 7:00 PM
Our Bi-Weekly Education series based on Dr. George McCully's Booklet. We will discuss the Introduction. The booklet can be found here. All meetings are on Zoom meetings can be accessed he...

Dover Unplugged - Meals for Ukrainian Children & Haitian Migrants

Friday, Oct 04, 2024, 4:00 PM
18,000 Meals for Haitian Migrants Please join us for a community service event for all the family hosted by Dover UNPLUGGED ! St. Dunstan’s Church 18 Springdale Ave, Dover, MA 02030 We Will Pack and Ship 18,000 Meals ...
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St. Dunstan will unveil a new Sunday School Curriculum

Starting on October 6th, St. Dunstan's will unveil it's new Sunday School Curriculum called Holy Moly. Holy Moly is a bible story based curriculum that tells the Biblical story in unique and exciting ways. Check out the trailer below. Sunday S...
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2024 Fall Adult Education Program

“Christianity Then and Now” Eight Bi-Weekly Zoom Meetings September-December What—exactly and in depth—is “Christianity” as a religion? How has it grown, flourished, and evolved, and is now approach...
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Coming Soon: Dover Unplugged Food Packing Oct. 2024

18,000 Meals for Haitian and Haitian Migrants October 4th 2024 Please join us for a community service event for all the family hosted by Dover UNPLUGGED! St. Dunstan’s Church 18 Springdale Ave, Dover, MA 02030 We Will Pack and Ship 18...
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Maundy Thursday Soup dinner Sign up

Please use this sign-up genius to let us know you are coming for dinner on March 28th at 6PM
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Coffee Hour Sign Up Here

Please sign up for Coffee Hour as you are able. This is an important part of St. Dunstan's ministry that helps build our community and welcomes new people to the church. Something New!! For bakers, super bakers, people who haunt local bakerie...
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Dec. 3 New Altar Vestments and Colors of the Church Year

On Sunday, December 3rd, our Art Committee and Altar Guild presented to the church new blue vestments to be used during the season of Advent. This event highlighted the rollout of a year-long exhibit that highlights the different seasons of the...
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A Visit from Fr. Noe Bernier

Fr. Noe Bernier from St. Dunstan’s partner Holy Innocent School in Labegue visited St. Dunstan’s from October 27th- 29th. During his visit, he headlined our Dover Unplugged Caring Series, attended Diocesan Convention, and preached on Sunday. ...
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